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When the Devil Knows Your Name
Margaret Hosseini was born into a home ruled by an Iranian sadist father, dubbed “Chucky” by his children after the cinematic horror icon. Eventually escaping the terrors of her youth, Margaret found solace in family life and her Christian faith. She built a successful tax preparation business, becoming a popular advocate for taxpayers, and for responsible animal ownership.
Her world came crashing down on the day that the IRS decided that taxpayers should not have an advocate, and she learned that the DOJ will destroy the lives of everyday Americans without a second thought, unimpeded by the laws that are supposed to protect citizens from government persecution.
Read about how Margaret and her attorney Robert Barnes (who represented actor Wesley Snipes and currently represents the Covington Catholic students), battled the IRS for 6 years.
Meet Margaret

Margaret shares her journey of faith and trials in her new book, A Trial of Faith: When the Devil Knows Your Name. A devout Christian and survivor of extreme abuse as a child, Margaret seeks to live a good life and help as many people as she can on a daily basis. Surrounded by family, friends and associates, Margaret goes about her work and charitable activities, and has never thought much about government investigators or prosecutors–until one fateful day when they raided her offices like storm troopers.
Watch the 90 second video
“Our great nation of America was established by our Founders to protect us, its citizens, from government abuse and persecution. America breaks its promise every time a person with authority persecutes an innocent citizen. America broke its promise to Margaret Hosseini, violating her constitutional and civil rights, instead of protecting her from the tyranny of government abusers.
“This book, A Trial of Faith, highlights a number of very real and problematic legal and moral issues within our legal system and government, and exposes the unknown and sinister underworld of government abuse of its citizens. A tangled web of lies, and a steady diet of rotten fruit of the poisonous tree—all in the name of “justice.” There is no justice in the system as it stands, and we are all at risk. Any of us could be the next victim. It makes you underestimate your own susceptibility to persecution by authorities who feel emboldened by our collective silence. This is a must-read book, and the knowledge it shares is essential. My highest recommendation.”
– Winona Lofton –
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If you ever found yourself questioning your faith, this is a must read! I already got my copy and did not put it down all day yesterday, can’t wait to continue reading when I get off today. . .
– Frenchesca “Frenchie” Garcia –
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It is interesting and terrifying, to say the least. It’s easy to understand and gripping at the same time. I think it’s a book that will shock some people and affirm to others that there is great corruption in the greatest country in the world. We think these things can’t happen, and yet they do. A horrific story about a woman who has overcome so much abuse from those who should have protected her; both privately and publicly. It’s a well written story that I think all people should read.
– Wanda Bruenderman –
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Margaret Hosseini-Browder’s book is heart wrenching, but a book you cannot put down. I feel as though I am there. The reality of the book is portrayed in a way to draw you in and make you a part of it as if you were watching it happen. I can assure you that this book has the right title.
– Winona Morton –